Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Grey Hair?? Wait for 2 years for a shampoo which can reverse it

A hair cream, shampoo, or conditioner capable enough to wash the grey out of your hair may be available in the shops within two years, say researchers.
Dr. Bruno Bernard, head of the hair biology research team at beauty firm L'Oreal in Paris, points out that hair goes grey when the pigment-producing cells, known as melanocytes, die or no longer work properly.
He, however, also highlights the fact that such cells often survive long after people go grey.
He and his colleagues have also found that the cells lack a certain enzyme, known as TRP-2, which is found in the skin and protects it from losing its pigment.
The researchers are now planning further studies in the hope that they will be able to mimic the enzyme's action on hair follicles, re-awaken the cells, allow people to maintain their hair colour for longer, or even reverse the -process.
"The hair whitening -process is slow and progressive, so we can -prevent it," the Daily Express quoted Bernard as saying.
Nick Ede, a GMTV lifestyle specialist, said that the discovery was "revolutionary".
He said: "This will be -welcomed with open arms. It will save a lot of people a lot of money and I think it will be very beneficial."
Angela Marshall, an image consultant and the owner of Surrey-based Appearance Management, added: "It is very exciting and it could be revolutionary in that so many people colour their hair and then worry about the colour they have used. This could save a lot of people, both men and women, a lot of money and worry."
She, however, also said that every one may not benefit from the new treatment.
"It could be problematic for -people with very dark hair as their eyebrows would probably still go grey and then their -colourings would not match well. So treatment would probably be better for people with blonde hair where there would not be such a stark -contrast," she said.

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